Join Flint for Get Productive With AI on February 27th at 1:00 pm EST

Headline Formulas

Session #13
Headline Formulas: A step-by-step process for radically transforming your copywriting

In Session #13, Flint McGlaughlin teaches you key headline-writing principles by improving working headlines submitted by students. This session ties together the last three sessions and integrates them into a step-by-step process for creating and optimizing headlines.

Here are some of the most important insights from this class:

  • Use a spreadsheet to compare your headline’s grammar with your competitors.
  • Every headline has a process-level value proposition (we will teach this in future classes).
  • Value-proposition-based headlines are powerful for use on a homepage.
  • Load the front of the headline with appeal; pack the back of the headline with value-proposition-related distinctives.

You can watch the full video above, or jump ahead to these key takeaways:

  • 0:00 Headline Formulas: A step-by-step process for radically transforming your copywriting.
  • 1:10 Running test headlines through an online headline analyzer and comparing them to experimentation results.
  • 3:00 How can we learn to see our headlines through customer eyes?
  • 3:21 Three steps to improving working headlines.
  • 3:25 Providing feedback to a course student’s headline.
  • 4:28 Comparing the headline to competitors.
  • 5:57 Optimize your headline with the six principles of headline development.
  • 9:10 Which one of these predicates will produce the most attention and engagement?
  • 10:04 Help a member of this community by writing your best headline for this website – Illya Kitchens – and adding it as a comment in this session’s YouTube video. Flint will try to respond to every comment received during the next seven days.

If you would like a chance to get optimization advice from Flint on your landing page or other marketing in an upcoming session, just contact Flint and his team at You can see an example in this week’s session.

BuildClass #2 – Sales Funnel Copy: Five questions to help you create powerful message levers Flint McGlaughlin teaches three principles to help you develop effective message levers.

Related Resources

Seeing Through the Eyes of Your Customers: Case studies about marketing attribution, the content marketing funnel, and headline writing
The Marketer As Philosopher – Reflection #24

…may view the company from the inside out, the marketing team must view the company from the outside in. Leaders spend too much time trying to see with new tools – into the mind of the customer, when they should spend more time trying to see with new eyes – through the mind of the customer.Learn more about the book

Course Retention Exercise

This quiz is carefully designed based on the latest learning technology in order to help you improve retention of the key principles.

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