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Headline writing

Headline writing secrets

Session #10
Headline Writing: 4 principles that could drive down your website bounce rate

In Session #10, Flint McGlaughlin teaches four principles for new ways to think about the essential power of headlines.

Here are some of the most important insights from this class:

  • Until you win attention nothing else you say matters.
  • The aim of a headline is to achieve an essential micro-yes – “yes I will pay attention”
  • The best headline is the best answer to this question: What is the most effective way to win micro-yes 1?
  • The impact of a message is squared by the force factor of relationship.
  • Attention precedes interest. Interest precedes engagement; engagement precedes relationship.

You can watch the full video above, or jump ahead to these key takeaways:

  • 0:00 Headline Writing: 4 principles that could drive down your website bounce rate.
  • 1:15 259% performance improvement from headline test.
  • 2:15 Attention precedes interest. Interest precedes engagement. Engagement precedes relationship.
  • 3:28 You capture attention with your headline. You stimulate interest with your sub-headline. You attract engagement with your primary copy. You achieve relationship with your call to action.
  • 3:57 The aim of a headline is to win an essential micro-yes – “Yes, I will pay attention.”
  • 4:48 The Prospect’s Mental Model.
  • 5:10 A challenge for the viewer – look at this headline, think about it, and try to formulate a better version to capture attention. Put your new version in the comments section of YouTube. If you do so in the next 30 days, Flint will read it and possibly respond to it (based on what you write).
  • 5:53 The best headline is the best answer to this question – what is the most effective way to win Micro-Yes 1?
  • 8:58 “Interact with us on YouTube. I would love to hear from you.”

To get immediate help with your marketing challenges, just contact Flint and his team:

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