What 15,000 Commercial Experiments Reveal about Why People Are Chosen

Watch a video replay of Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS Institute, at Harvard University discussing why people are chosen by employers, schools, voters and even lovers.

Deep down inside we haven’t looked at our life through the right lens, and we’re thinking about the job and these other pieces before asking the more profound deeper questions that will shape all that happens to us.

— Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS Institute

How can you get more people to choose you?

It's easy to see Marketing as just a department at a company or advertisements for a product. However, marketing as a concept transcends marketing as a business term. Marketing is more fundamental. Wherever choice exists — whether to purchase a product or to accept a marriage proposal — marketing necessarily exists.

In this presentation, given at Harvard University, McGlaughlin expounds upon the role of value proposition in the decision process and how to identify and increase the force of your personal-level value proposition.

Watch the full session to learn why people say “yes” and how you can increase your probabilities of being chosen.

Related Resources


The Marketer as Philosopher: 40 brief reflections on the power of your
value proposition

Author Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS Institute, expounds on the deeply intellectual role of the marketer in his debut book, Marketer as Philosopher

Download an excerpt


Boost Your Conversion Rate with a MECLABS Quick Win Intensive

Data scientists will help you find key behavioral patterns, give you "Fix-Now(s)" and "Test-Now(s)," and they will score and critique the force of your value proposition.

Learn more