How to Make Yourself More Valuable in Your Profession

Since the first days of MECLABS Institute, we have met and worked with all types of people, ranging from students and marketing managers to leaders of Fortune 500 companies. At first glance, you might think these types of people have little in common, however, we have found a common thread among them all: a desire to bring more value to the table.

In this video, Flint McGlaughlin gives insight on how to achieve that goal. 

The easiest way for you to create value that is within yourself is to expose yourself to radical new thinking, to try these new concepts, to generate new concepts…and in the midst of that, be engaged yourself in testing your own ideas.

— Flint McGlaughlin, CEO and Managing Director, MECLABS Institute

Adding value looks different for different people — some may want a cutting edge in their large corporation, some are looking for innovative ideas to help a young start-up take off, and some want to further their education to land the perfect job or get a sought-after promotion.

All of these people may have separate objectives, but everyone has the same starting point: creating more value in themselves. Furthering your education is just one way to do so.

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